Little Red Riding Hood traveled through the forest to her grandmother meeting the big bad wolf and facing her fears. The same is with being a modern teenager in a world full of wolves and temptations. If we can overcome these troubles and stay on the right path we can find our grandmother and confront the wolves inside each and every one of us. Come along with me on my journey learning to face my wolves and trust that God will show me the right path to my destination in life.
I had written a poem months ago and I came up with a video to go along.
I also have to appologize, I have not written a post in a LONG time. I have been writing a novel and it has been taking up most of my time. I promise to get back to my blog...
-Little Red
Photography: Experiments
Latest experiments with photography effects.
-When the Angels arrive, the devils leave.
-Suffer The Little Children
Fallen Dreams
-My Puppy, Dottie
-What If?
-Blowing Bubbles
-Little Red
The Ghost In A Library
The Ghost In A Library
By; Sammie
The ghost of a girl sits silently in a library.
Far in a corner, with tears in her eyes,
Not hiding the fears and lies
From her life long gone.
Her hair is drenched from the last rain.
The book in her hand,
Tells stories of a far off land
In which she would try to hide.
Her earphones are stuck inside her head.
Music blaring so you can almost understand,
The muffled lyrics of the much needed band
She clung to in times of need.
She only knows now the truth of it all.
Hiding only lasts for a while,
Only a short sprint in a long lasting mile
Of life’s long race.
Her story is sad in truth.
A bright and shining star,
Children usually are
As bright as the noonday sun.
On the outside, she had hopes for the future.
Goals for a fresh start,
With her brilliant mind and an open heart
She could have achieved anything.
On the inside her heart was crushed.
Spoken was a harsh word,
Something in which she had never concurred
With in her entire life.
She doesn’t remember what they said.
Doesn’t exactly worry about it anymore,
She only knows it killed her hope and made her mind sore
Of what she had wanted at first.
She could have spoken to someone else.
Close in her life,
One of the people she could have gone to with all of her strife
Of what had been upon her mind.
She could have prayed.
Letting it all go away,
Instead of permitting it stay
In her head to spawn more mistruths.
Instead, she turned to the things of the earth.
Starting out small,
Then grew into things that killed all
The things she had tried to grasp.
One night, she took her last breath.
Being on her last resort,
She wanted to contort
Her pain into non existence.
She paid the price.
In many ways than just on the surface,
She didn’t leave with a shred of grace
Left upon her pallid lifeless face.
Now she has no peace.
Wanting to warn of a stinging tongue,
It left no breath inside her lung
For her to say another word.
Until the day ghosts can talk, she must stand erect.
Praying for a way to spread her tale,
To hammer it like a nail
In our heads forever.
-Little Red
Book Review: Haunted Love, Tales Of Ghostly Soulmates, Spooky Suitors, and Eternal Love
I have been fulfilling a call to read about one of my infatuations, ghost and ghost stories. I have studied ghosts before, but it was rejuvenated when I began reading on The Haunting Of The Presidents, by Joel Martin and William J. Birnes. (The book has also brought forward an interest for American presidents and government.) On a recent library trip, I picked up several books on the presidents, and a few on ghosts and ghost stories. My favorite from the selection so far, is Haunted Love, Tales of Ghostly Soulmates, Spooky Suitors, and Eternal Love, by Chris Gonsalves. It is a book full of tragic love stories. It not only fullfilled my teenage lust for stories of love and desire, but it also left my spine tingling.
Some of the haunting love lorn spirits you will meet include;
Beth, the lovesick nurse. Beth was the youngest nurse in the Martha Washington hospital/boarding school. When she came across a dying young soldier, her heart went out to him, staying by his side and playing her violin for him. She fell desperately in love with him, from the moment she saw him till the moment he died. It is said that those who visit the hospital, can still hear the playing of her morning violin.
Rose, the torn nun who loved a soldier. Rose was a young catholic school girl who loved a young boy named Tom. During World War 2, Tom was said to have been killed as a soldier in Europe. Rose, anguished, joined the Mercyhurst convent, gave her engagement ring to the Christ Child statue in the chapel. A few years later, Tom returned. There had been a miscommunication. Instead of choosing between her true love and her life as a nun, she hung herself in her room. After she died, her old ring became a source for misfortune. It was buried in the grounds, although no one knows where it is. It is said she now only haunts young couples in love.
Johanna the Spanish Dancer and Pearl Bryan, two woman both subject to being pregnant out of wedlock. Pearl was killed by her satanic boyfriend who removed her head with dentist equipment and threw it down the well at an old slaughterhouse, now known as Bobby Makey's Music World. Years later, after the place was transformed into a night club it was a place for Prohibition booze smuggling. During this time, Johanna, the young dancer and daughter of the club owner, became pregnant. Her father was furious, killed the father of her child. Johanna, rich with furry, killed herself in the basement, right next to the haunted well. Now, if you visit Bobby Maker's Music World, you can still hear the two woman crying, even after they are already dead.
These are only a few of the many forlorn spirits you will meet if you choose to read this book. I wouldn't recommend this book for anyone under the age of 12. It may be easy to read, but the content inside may be inappropriate for a younger audience. Some families may want to wait even longer. This is a book that should be approved by a parent.
I hope you enjoy this thrilling book of ghostly love stories as much as I did.
-Little Red
I am dressed as a Rainbow ghost for a Halloween party at a Masonic Temple. Masonic Temples are known to be haunted. We noticed what appeared to be an orb just to the right of this photo. So cool!
I Am Woman, Hear Me Vent!
Lately, I have been having social struggles with teen girls in my age group. It's not that I don't have friends in my own age group, they are not geographically available all the time. I love my homeschool friends, more than anything, it's just complicated and challenging to see them routinely because we live in another state. It doesn't help the youth organizations my brother and I belong to are always demanding our time, which makes it even harder to hang with my homeschool friends. I am slightly perturbed at my youth organization at the moment. Not only do they demand me almost every weekend, I am having some other issues.
There is this one girl in my group, she is going to become our leader this summer. I have struggles at the validity of her leadership. Her personality isn't exactly that of a leader. I know our group is all about building leaders, she just rarely does the work. I am not as upset at her, as I am at the adults who run our group for letting her keep progressing. I was under the impression that everyone has consequences for their actions. It ticks me off to watch her keep progressing, and no one is disciplining her. It makes me wonder why I am spending this much time in something that frustrates me, when I could be developing local friends, while still hanging with my homeschool friends.
I have been having issues with finding girl friends my own age in my hometown. I know you should look for friends in other age groups to have a full plethora of people who share your interests. I do have friends in other age groups. I just wish to be able to talk about what I am going through, with people who are going through the same things at the same time.
The main problem I am having with making friends with the girls in my town, simply put is that I am the only teen girl I know that homeschools in my neighborhood. The girls seem judgemental and won't be friends with people who they don't know from school. Everywhere, all the girls seem to walk in little groups. If you try to enter a group alone, you are entering their territory and you will always be pushed out. If you are introduced by an adult, they will only be with you because it is obligatory. The only way to be welcome is if you're introduced by someone you know in that group, or by a cute boy who knows you and the girls in the group. If you know neither, you are out of luck! I am in that situation. I need help. I am turning into a hermit in my home, which I don't want.
Only God knows what he is doing. I can just keep praying for guidance.
-Little Red
Cutie Pie Pictures
For the past week, I have been having a really bad poison ivy attack. I am allergic and it spreads all over my face. So to take my mind off my itchy face, I took some pictures of the cutie pies I help babysit and my brother.

"Can You See Me?"
"Lil' Princess"
"Simple Beauty"
"Fly Away"
"Blowing wishes"
"Mr. Handsom"
"Pouting about his broken rock"
"Taking care of his sissy"
Aren't they so cute?
-Little Red
The Man On The Moon
A few days ago, I was hanging out with my quickly, growing up, 9 year old cousin, Lucy. Her and I were walking around at night when she looked up at the moon and said, "The man on the moon is smiling as always!"
I laughed, of course, there is no man on the moon, it is just an optical illusion. I knew she knew that, but why ruin the imagination. "Yes there is the man on the moon. At least he is not frowning!"
Lucy responded,"Of course he wouldn't be frowning! If he did, the world might just end!" She was actually not far off.
My mother is reading to us from the book It's Not About Me by Max Lucado.
(Taken from Chapter 1 of It's Not About Me by Max Lucado)
"The moon models our role.What does the moon do? She generates no light. Contrary to the lyrics of the song, this harvest moon cannot shine on. Apart from the sun, the moon is nothing more than a pitch-black, pockmarked rock. But properly positioned, the moon beams. Let her do what she was made to do, and a clod of dirt becomes a source of inspiration, yea, verily, romance. The moon reflects the greater light.
And she's happy to do so! You never hear the moon complaining. She makes no waves about making waves. Let the cow jump over her or astronauts step on her;she never objects. Even though sunning is accepted while mooning is the butt of bad jokes, you won't hear ol' Cheeseface grumble. The moon is at peace in her place. And because she is, soft light touches a dark earth.
What would happen if we accepted our place as Son reflectors?"
This automatically made me think of what Lucy was talking about. What if the reason the moon was always smiling, was because it is content in it's life? It must love reflecting the sun. It maybe, wakes up in the morning, shouting how thrilled it is that it can work in helping the sun with taking care of the earth. Now let's say that it decided that it was done with it's work. That it was sick of the sun getting all the attention, and that the moon was stuck with all the hardships. It would give up it's work and never be satisfied, frowning all the time. The world really would cease to exist.
The same is reflected with our lives. If all we ever do is complain about everything, thinking it will make us happy in the end, will we ever truly be satisfied? We could always go around, all the time, thinking only about what we want. That is the natural tendency of everyone in life, trust me...I very much have this problem. I want the world to revolve around me and only me. I believe it is because I have only lived as me. (I think? I think I would remember if I had lived as someone else!) It makes me think I am the only person that matters. This, of course, is wrong. There are billions of other people out there in the world. In it, I am only one grain of sand on a much larger beach.
Ok, I have admitted that I have problems with being egotistic. We all do. You have only known you, as I have only known me. We are all "Praise Junkies " as my mother has labeled it.
Now let's imagine we were like the moon. We can go about our lives smiling that we can live in His world reflecting His light. We can sing throughout the day with JOY that God loves us. Now let's stop imagining, let's really become a reflection in Jesus' universe.
No one said the job was going to be easy. Everyone faces hardships in their love for their God. Noah lived with people taunting him as he built an ark, Moses had to convince a stubborn king to let God's people go, Mary suffered ridicule for getting pregnant. They still reflected God's light, even in the toughest of times. It comes with the job. Still, it is either live life in a shadow of misery and discontent or we take the harships with a smile full of joy! Lucy's father, for instance, my uncle Matt, recently recovered from Leukemia. We had gone to his house to celebrate his birthday with his eight children. Instead of being upset that he was growing older, he was happy just because he had another birthday to celebrate with his family. God gives us afflictions to help us appriciate what we have. If we can all embrace it, instead of push it aside, we too can have JOY.
It's your choice. I myself am on my way to pushing my ego aside and persuing a true reflection of Jesus' light!
-Little Red
10 Random Facts About Me Monday
Ten Random Facts About Me Monday! Five I love, five I despise.
I Love...
1. Springtime Weather
2. Shorts
3. The Smell Of Lilacs
4. Easter Dresses
5. Muddy Toes
I Despise...
1. Rainy Days
2. Boring Textbooks
3. Annoying Telemarketers
4. Unwilling Helpers
5. People Who Try To Impress Others (And End Up Looking Pretty Dumb)
Song Lyric Sunday: Never Alone
This Weeks Song Lyric Sunday is Never Alone by BarlowGirl. This Palm Sunday, I hope you can remember that Jesus is always there if we ask for His help.
I waited for you today
But You didn't show
I needed You today
So where did you go?
You told me to call
you said You'd be there
And though I haven't seen You
Are You still there?
I cried out with no reply and
I can't feel You by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I'm never alone.
And though I can not see You
and I can't explain why.
Such a deep, deep reassurance
You've placed in my life oh
We cannot separate
'Cause You're part of me
and though You're invisible
I'll trust the unseen
I cried out with no reply
And I can't feel You by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I'm never alone
We cannot separate
You're part of me
and though You're invisible
I'll trust the unseen
I cried out with no reply
and I can't feel You by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I'm never alone
But You didn't show
I needed You today
So where did you go?
You told me to call
you said You'd be there
And though I haven't seen You
Are You still there?
I cried out with no reply and
I can't feel You by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I'm never alone.
And though I can not see You
and I can't explain why.
Such a deep, deep reassurance
You've placed in my life oh
We cannot separate
'Cause You're part of me
and though You're invisible
I'll trust the unseen
I cried out with no reply
And I can't feel You by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I'm never alone
We cannot separate
You're part of me
and though You're invisible
I'll trust the unseen
I cried out with no reply
and I can't feel You by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I'm never alone
-Little Red
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