
Cutie Pie Pictures

For the past week, I have been having a really bad poison ivy attack. I am allergic and it spreads all over my face. So to take my mind off my itchy face, I took some pictures of the cutie pies I help babysit and my brother.

"Can You See Me?"

"Lil' Princess"

"Simple Beauty"

"Fly Away"

"Blowing wishes"

"Mr. Handsom"
"Pouting about his broken rock"

"Taking care of his sissy"

Aren't they so cute?
-Little Red


Crazy Things We Do On Friday

Crazy things we do on Friday...need I say more?

-Little Red


The Man On The Moon

A few days ago, I was hanging out with my quickly, growing up, 9 year old cousin, Lucy. Her and I were walking around at night when she looked up at the moon and said, "The man on the moon is smiling as always!"
I laughed, of course, there is no man on the moon, it is just an optical illusion. I knew she knew that, but why ruin the imagination. "Yes there is the man on the moon. At least he is not frowning!"
      Lucy responded,"Of course he wouldn't be frowning! If he did, the world might just end!" She was actually not far off.
     My mother is reading to us from the book It's Not About Me by Max Lucado.

                                       (Taken from Chapter 1 of It's Not About Me by Max Lucado)

"The moon models our role.
What does the moon do? She generates no light. Contrary to the lyrics of the song, this harvest moon cannot shine on. Apart from the sun, the moon is nothing more than a pitch-black, pockmarked rock. But properly positioned, the moon beams. Let her do what she was made to do, and a clod of dirt becomes a source of inspiration, yea, verily, romance. The moon reflects the greater light.
And she's happy to do so! You never hear the moon complaining. She makes no waves about making waves. Let the cow jump over her or astronauts step on her;she never objects. Even though sunning is accepted while mooning is the butt of bad jokes, you won't hear ol' Cheeseface grumble. The moon is at peace in her place. And because she is, soft light touches a dark earth.
What would happen if we accepted our place as Son reflectors?"

This automatically made me think of what Lucy was talking about. What if the reason the moon was always smiling, was because it is content in it's life? It must love reflecting the sun. It maybe, wakes up in the morning, shouting how thrilled it is that it can work in helping the sun with taking care of the earth. Now let's say that it decided that it was done with it's work. That it was sick of the sun getting all the attention, and that the moon was stuck with all the hardships. It would give up it's work and never be satisfied, frowning all the time. The world really would cease to exist.

   The same is reflected with our lives. If all we ever do is complain about everything, thinking it will make us happy in the end, will we ever truly be satisfied? We could always go around, all the time, thinking only about what we want. That is the natural tendency of everyone in life, trust me...I very much have this problem. I want the world to revolve around me and only me. I believe it is because I have only lived as me. (I think? I think I would remember if I had lived as someone else!) It makes me think I am the only person that matters. This, of course, is wrong. There are billions of other people out there in the world. In it, I am only one grain of sand on a much larger beach.

 Ok, I have admitted that I have problems with being egotistic. We all do. You have only known you, as I have only known me. We are all "Praise Junkies " as my mother has labeled it.
   Now let's imagine we were like the moon. We can go about our lives smiling that we can live in His world reflecting His light. We can sing throughout the day with JOY that God loves us. Now let's stop imagining, let's really become a reflection in Jesus' universe.

No one said the job was going to be easy. Everyone faces hardships in their love for their God. Noah lived with people taunting him as he built an ark, Moses had to convince a stubborn king to let God's people go, Mary suffered ridicule for getting pregnant. They still reflected God's light, even in the toughest of times. It comes with the job. Still, it is either live life in a shadow of misery and discontent or we take the harships with a smile full of joy! Lucy's father, for instance, my uncle Matt, recently recovered from Leukemia. We had gone to his house to celebrate his birthday with his eight children. Instead of being upset that he was growing older, he was happy just because he had another birthday to celebrate with his family. God gives us afflictions to help us appriciate what we have. If we can all embrace it, instead of push it aside, we too can have JOY.

It's your choice. I myself am on my way to pushing my ego aside and persuing a true reflection of Jesus' light!

-Little Red


10 Random Facts About Me Monday

Ten Random Facts About Me Monday! Five I love, five I despise.

I Love...
1. Springtime Weather
2. Shorts
3. The Smell Of Lilacs
4. Easter Dresses
5. Muddy Toes

I Despise...
1. Rainy Days
2. Boring Textbooks
3. Annoying Telemarketers
4. Unwilling Helpers
5. People Who Try To Impress Others (And End Up Looking Pretty Dumb)


Song Lyric Sunday: Never Alone

This Weeks Song Lyric Sunday is Never Alone by BarlowGirl. This Palm Sunday, I hope you can remember that Jesus is always there if we ask for His help.

I waited for you today
But You didn't show
I needed You today
So where did you go?
You told me to call
you said You'd be there
And though I haven't seen You
Are You still there?

I cried out with no reply and
I can't feel You by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I'm never alone.

And though I can not see You
and I can't explain why.
Such a deep, deep reassurance
You've placed in my life oh
We cannot separate
'Cause You're part of me
and though You're invisible
I'll trust the unseen

I cried out with no reply
And I can't feel You by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I'm never alone

We cannot separate
You're part of me
and though You're invisible
I'll trust the unseen

I cried out with no reply
and I can't feel You by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I'm never alone

-Little Red


10 Random Facts About Me Monday and Song Lyric Monday?

Hey Everyone. It's another 10 Random Facts About Me Monday, five facts about things I love, five about things I despise! Also as I accidentally missed Song Lyric Sunday yesturday I will be making up for that today!

Things I Love
1. Dark Chocolate
2. My Butterfly Earrings
3. Dancing Till Past My Feet Hurt
4. Wind Blowing Through My Hair
5. 80 Degree Weather

Things I Despise
1. Order Of Operations (Algebra)
2. Long Winded Speakers
3. My Brother's Adolescent Jokes
4. Tummy Troubles
5. Awkward Silence

Song Lyric Monday is Jump By Van Halen.

I get up, and nothin' gets me down
You got it tough, I've seen the toughest around
And I know, baby, just how you feel
You got to roll with the punches and get to what's real

Ah, can't you see me standin' here
I got my back against the record machine
I ain't the worst that you've seen
Ah, can't you see what I mean?

Might as well jump
Might as well jump
Go ahead an' jump
Go ahead and jump

Ow oh
Hey you
Who said that?
Baby, how you been?
You say you don't know
You won't know until you begin

So can't ya see me standing here
I got my back against the record machine
I ain't the worst that you've seen
Ah, can't you see what I mean?

Might as well jump
Go ahead and jump
Might as well jump
Go ahead and jump

Might as well jump
Go ahead and jump
Get it in, jump
Go ahead and jump




Twilight Goths

Once again, my friend Abbey and I took some litterature inspired pictures. We were going to do Twilight, but we got artistic and became Twilight loving romantic goths.

I can do this, I lied to myself feebly. No one was going to bite me.
Bella Swan, Twilight,

When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.
Bella Swan, Twilight,

Some things are more certain than others… like the weather. People are harder. I only see the course they’re on while they’re on it. Once they change their minds — make a new decision, no matter how small — the whole future shifts.
Alice Cullen, Twilight,

I felt a surge of pity, and relief. Pity because, as beautiful as they were, they were outsiders, clearly not accepted. Relief that I wasn’t the only newcomer here, and certainly not the most interesting by any standard.
Bella Swan, Twilight
I was consumed by the mystery Edward presented. And more than a little obsessed by Edward himself.
Bella Swan, Twilight,
Edward Cullen is staring at you.
Jessica Stanley, Twilight,

And then Edward stepped out from the trees, his skin faintly glowing, his eyes black and dangerous. He held up one hand and beckoned me to come to him. The wolf growled at my feet. I took a step forward, toward Edward. He smiled then, and his teeth were sharp, pointed.
Bella Swan, Twilight,

Stupid, unreliable vampire.
Bella Swan, Twilight,

We Let Edward Go...

The vampire who wanted to be good — who ran around saving people’s lives so he wouldn’t be a monster…
Bella Swan, Twilight,

-Little Red


Home-schooling Doesn't Always Mean Hermit

Home-schooling Doesn’t Always Mean Hermit
The Difference Between Stereotypes and The Truth

According to Wikipedia.org, “A stereotype is a popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals.”

Examples of stereotypes are…

Native Americans, for their whooping yells and fancy headdresses.

Saint Patrick, for green and leprechauns.

Ballerinas, for tutus and spinning.

The list goes on and on. I myself have been accustomed to having to live with being stereotyped. That is because I am home-schooled. Home-school is one of the many stereotyped groups in our society today. Home-school advocates are stereotyped for spelling bees, un-socialization, long skirts, protégés, the list is endless.
It drives me crazy when I am asked stereotypical questions about my home-school experience. Some of the most commonly asked questions asked are…

“Who teaches you?”

“Do you spend hours a day at school?”

“Do you listen to music?”

“How come your wearing jeans?”

The most notorious question is “What About Socialization?”
Can we say, “UGHHHHHH?” I swear, the next time I hear that question, I may just answer, “I am talking to you, aren’t I?”

I can’t get on people too much for stereotyping home-school. I did myself for a while, and I am home-schooled. When I entered our home-school co-op for the first time three years ago, I had become used to the idea that all home-schooled kids didn’t listen to music, didn’t speak much, wore long skirts and hated you if Harry Potter was your favorite book series. When I met the kids in the co-op, I realized they were relatively normal. They wore jeans, listened to popular music, watched modern movies, and best of all, WERE NOT SOCIAL HERMITS! I realized that there wasn’t just the “hermits of home-school” out there.

Home-school is only the choice of families to take their education into their own hands because of personal reasons. It does not define the way a parent raises their children. It is personal raising that defines the children‘s manor.

Home-school is most likely stereotyped because of some families specific choice in raising that created the stereotypical home-school child. We can respect their decision, we just don’t have to do it ourselves.

The way our family home-schools is definitely different from many other families we know. We don’t fill out the stereotypes in home-school. My mother has even confided to me her struggle with finding home-school material that is not stereotypical in education. My mother is known for boycotting many home-school educational resources.

Still, the minute I say I am home-schooled, on comes the regular questions!

“Who teaches you?”

“Do you spend hours a day at school?”

“Do you listen to music?”

“How come your wearing jeans?”

“What about socialization?”

Even if I sometimes loath answering stereotypical home-school questions, I have confidence in my answers.

“We teach ourselves and our mother tutors us.”

“Our study-work depends upon the day.”

“I love music and I enjoy all kinds!”

“My jeans are comfortable and I look good in them!”

The socialization question is never too hard to seriously answer.
“I don’t have a problem with socialization. I have friends of many age groups. I often have more opportunities to socialize than most kids who go to school. I am able to take field trips and meet new faces on a weekly/daily basis. I hang out with different people in my community. I go to a home-school co-op. I belong to a youth group. My best friend is my brother so if I do need someone, he is there as well. I have absolutely no problem being socialized.”

If you are a non-stereotypical home-school student/parent/graduate, you understand the struggle. There does seem to be a large amount of home-school stereotype people out there. That doesn’t mean there aren’t more normal home-school people out there. Don’t give up!

If you are not a home-school student/parent/graduate, you may not understand our struggle, but please understand that stereotypes are not always true.

Native Americans usually don’t wear headdresses or yell loudly.

Saint Patrick was the green bishop, but he had nothing to do with leprechauns.

Ballerinas only sometimes wear tutus and they don’t just spin!

Home-school advocates don’t always win spelling bees, they have friends, wear normal clothes, and are not always protégés.

The next time you meet someone in the home-school world, take a good look at them, then ask them, “Do you enjoy being home-schooled?”


 If you enjoyed this article you will enjoy this video.



Ten Random Facts About Me Monday

It's another Ten Random Facts About Me Monday! Five things I love, and five things I despise.

I Love...

1. Listening To Music
2. Hanging With Friends
3. Going Barefoot
4. Hiking
5. Shopping

I Despise...

1. Writers Block
2. Stupid Homeschooling Questions (A.K.A, "How are you Socialized? Does Your Mom Teach You? What About Prom? ETC")
3. Bad Hair Days
4. Chipped Finger Nails
5. My Mom Bringing Up Embarrassing Subjects!


Song Lyric Sunday: Innocence, Avril Lavigne

This Weeks Song Lyric Sunday is Innocence by Avril Lavigne.

Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry

This innocence is brilliant (It makes you want to cry)
This innocence is brilliant
Please don't go away 'cause I need you now and I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
(It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry)

This innocence is brilliant (It's so beautiful)
I hope that it will stay (It's so beautiful)
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now and I'll hold on to it (It makes me want to cry)
Don't you let it pass you by